have a frame query?

Our gallery phone number is 212-619-0631

Our email address is gallery@gill-lagodich.com

For fastest response, please submit queries by direct email to gallery@gill-lagodich.com (and attach images of painting or frame would like us to look at.) PLEASE DO NOT SEND LARGE EMAIL IMAGE FILES. We can usually tell what we are looking at from a few smaller images and will ask you for more details or larger pictures as needed.

You may also fill in the boxes at right to send a query but will not be able to attach images.

If you would like us to identify or value a frame for you, or you need a restoration quote, it is advisable to send an image of your frame, front and back, along with size and any other relevant information. Likewise, if you would like recommendations for framing art, it is helpful for us to receive an image of your artwork along with your query. Please include the artist's name, art size, medium, and date, if known. We look forward to hearing from you!

GALLERY EMAIL gallery@gill-lagodich.com GALLERY PHONE 212.619.0631

To mail actual photographs or other hard-copy information send to our NEW POSTAL MAIL ADDRESS  c/o Gill & Lagodich, 137 Duane Street, No. 5B, New York, NY 10013.

For on-site visits by appointment please check our directions page for current showroom address.